Web Services


Browse for core reference data that is used in UNHCR, such as UNHCR presence, persons of concern locations, and administrative boundaries.

Web services are available in different formats. They are directly connected to the database and are updated dynamically.

For offline use, download the data using the Export Tool.

UNHCR Presence

The GDS presence layer is a geographic representation of the UNHCR operational presence in the countries where UNHCR is operating. It shows the diverse types of presence including temporary presence such as Field Units. Each office is either Active or Inactive depending on the operational status reported by the field. The status of the GIS layer represents the current operational presence in the world.

ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Online | ArcMap | QGIS | Google Earth | REST API

UNHCR People of Concern

Geographic point layer representing all the people of concern's known locations in the world (Refugees, Internally displaced, Stateless persons and other of concern). The data is displayed by population type and location type (typology adapted from the SPHERE handbook standard). 

ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Online | ArcMap | QGIS | Google Earth | REST API

Administrative Boundary

This layer shows the different administrative boundaries (levels:  0, 1, and 2) used in the UNHCR GIS system. It is mostly from governments and official sources but also other UN bodies or NGOs.  The  OCHA CODs and Pcodes are examined and considered. The boundaries and names do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

Country boundary (admin0)

1:1 million scale
- Polygon: ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Online | ArcMap | QGIS | Google Earth | REST API
- Polyline: ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Online | ArcMap | QGIS | Google Earth | REST API

1:25 million scale
- Polygon: ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Online | ArcMap | QGIS | Google Earth | REST API
- Polyline: ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Online | ArcMap | QGIS | Google Earth | REST API

Country Centroids

ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Online | ArcMap | QGIS | Google Earth | REST API

First-level administrative divisions (admin1)

ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Online | ArcMap | QGIS | Google Earth | REST API

Second-level administrative divisions (admin2)

ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Online | ArcMap | QGIS | Google Earth | REST API

UNHCR Population Reference Points (PRP)

Point layer that represents populated places locations (e.g. capitals/ cities/ towns)  and of administrative units (Level 1, 2 and 3 depending on availability).

ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Online | ArcMap | QGIS | Google Earth | REST API

UNHCR Population Reference Areas 

Polygon layer that represent the areas of Population Reference Points. Available only for the main People of Concern locations.

ArcGIS Pro |  ArcGIS Online |  ArcMap |  QGIS |  Google Earth REST API

Border Crossing Points

Country border crossing points. The boundaries and names included in this web service do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Online | ArcMap | QGIS | Google Earth | REST API

UNHCR Warehouses

This layer shows the different UNHCR active warehouses in the world. The boundaries and names included in this web service do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Online | ArcMap | QGIS | Google Earth | REST API

UNHCR Population

UNHCR Population of Concern per country

UNHCR data on displacement per country, formatted for mapping purposes.
Source : api.unhcr.org
Documentation : unhcr.org/refugee-statistics/methodology

Latest (2022) - ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Online |  ArcMap |  QGIS | REST API
All years (1951-2022)  - ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Online | ArcMap | QGIS | REST API
All years (1951-2022) Pivot - ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Online | ArcMap | QGIS | REST API

Templates and Styles

Templates for ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro, already connected to webservices. Click on the pictures below to download the templates and the user guide.

Web Applications

UNHCR Presence and People of Concern

Webmap displaying UNHCR Presence and People of Concern.


Site Mapping

Worldwide portal for accessing Site Mapping applications.


Health Facility Balanced Score Card (BSC) Dashboard

BSC Dashboard displaying data on assessed Health facilities and their scoring aggregated on country to individual Facility level.


Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey (SENS) Mapper

This application allows to quickly and easily map out standardized SENS KAP survey results, including Child, Women, WASH and Mosquito Net modules.



Dashboards providing online IDP site profiles to CCCM and humanitarian actors, in order to quickly gain insights into collected data and facilitate access to information.